Het Vakdispuut der Neurowetenschappen
Brainwave organiseert maandelijkse lezingen, excursies en andere activiteiten gerelateerd aan neurowetenschappen voor geïnteresseerden, bachelor en master studenten aan de Universiteit Utrecht

Professionele en vooruitstrevende activiteiten in de richtingen neuropsychologie, klinische neuropsychologie en toegepaste cognitieve psychologie.
Studenten extra verdieping, carrièremogelijkheden en netwerk aanbieden om ze de kans te geven zich te kunnen onderscheiden van anderen.
Next activity
Lecture about AI & the brain
Are you curious about the parallels between AI and the human brain? Wondering how AI scientists draw inspiration from human physiology and what we can learn about ourselves through advancements in AI? Join us on 8 janauri 17:00-19:00 about AI and the Brain.
Ouren Kuiper was a researcher in the AI research group and a lecturer in AI at the HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht. His research focuses on the impact of artificial intelligence on people and society, covering topics from ethics to explainability. For some time now, he has been working for the Dutch government on policies related to the responsible use of AI and algorithms.
International students are very welcome! Bring friends, roommates, or family members, and don’t miss to explore the mind—both human and artificial!